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Omega's publications provide researchers, policy makers and the media with information, data and policy recommendations which are independent and rigorously researched using open sources.

We work with an international network of partners and associates to disseminate our findings.

Omega's research, policy expertise and images have been used in a wide variety of reports, policy briefings and campaign materials by national, regional and international organisations including Amnesty International, the UN and the European Commission.

Omega's publications - and a selection of publications we have contributed to - can be can be found below for download. If you download a resource, please link to it from your website or share with your professional network.

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Tools of Torture and Repression in South America: Use, manufacture and trade. July 2016
Available in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Countries researched: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela.
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"Less than Lethal"? The Use of Stun Weapons in US Law Enforcement. December 2008
Amnesty International report focusing on the US' use and misuse of electroshock equipment (AI Index: AMR 51/010/2008).
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