Press Release
UK company run by retired police officers promoting electric-shock torture equipment. Film obtained from Birmingham trade fair shows staff at UK company The Squad Group Ltd demonstrating electric-shock gloves which deliver painful electric shocks.
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Protestor, Credit: Jakayla Toney
Protestor, Credit: Jakayla Toney
Support Us
We are a small organisation with a huge mission. Reacting to live events and running longer-term projects, we continue to hold perpetrators to account. We can only do this with the generous support of our funders and individuals who donate to support our work.
Image of the Milipol Paris arms and security trade fair, 2019. Credit: Robin Ballantyne
Image of the Milipol Paris arms and security trade fair, 2019. Credit: Robin Ballantyne
Arms Fairs
We have a long history of collating, analysing, and making public information on arms and security trade fairs from around the world.
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United Against Torture logo
United Against Torture logo
United Against Torture Consortium
Six of the world’s leading anti-torture organisations, in partnership with over 200 civil society organisations and other partners in more than 100 countries, have joined forces to strengthen and expand the anti-torture movement.
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United Nations General Assembly, Credit: GPA Photo Archive
United Nations General Assembly, Credit: GPA Photo Archive
International controls on the trade in the tools of torture
With civil society around the world, we are calling for controls on the trade in law enforcement equipment used in human rights violations. It is time for a Torture-Free Trade Treaty.
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Omega Research Foundation

We identify and expose human rights abuses committed across the world by people using police, security, and military equipment. We track the development of weapons, their procurement and use, and push for stronger controls at each stage. We use our 30 years of global expertise to protect human rights and prevent torture and other grave violations.

As tensions rise in countries across the world and governments increasingly restrict the exercise of fundamental rights, our work is ever more important, with already marginalised groups often the most affected.

We are a small organisation with a huge mission. Reacting to live events and running longer-term projects, we continue to hold perpetrators to account.

Learn more about our organisation

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