Chinese riot control agent means of delivery. November 2015.

This paper focuses on the production and promotion by Chinese companies of a range of riot control agents, and how their delivery risks breaching international law.

This briefing paper highlights the reported production and promotion by Chinese companies of a range of “wide area” riot control agents (RCA) means of delivery including: large back-pack or tank spray devices; multi-launchers and associated RCA projectiles; automatic grenade launchers and associated RCA grenades; RCA mortar projectiles and other large caliber projectiles; RCA area denial munitions and unmanned aerial vehicles capable of RCA dispersal. Some of the “wide area” means of delivery detailed in this paper appear to be inherently inappropriate for law enforcement and/or may have military utility. Consequently, such means of delivery could pose a risk of breaching the provisions of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) as well as relevant human rights law and standards constraining the use of force.